GT AHS is very excited to hold the first meeting of the semester, Tuesday September 13th, at 11am, in Guggenheim 246. Come and discuss the activities of the coming year. Pizza will be provided. See you there!
GT AHS has a new website!
Welcome to the new GT AHS website. We are excited to present our new platform! Make sure to visit the Events tab to stay up to date with the GT AHS activities and leave us feedback and questions on the Contact us tab. We also invite you to follow our group on Facebook.

GT AHS in Vertiflite
Did you know what lift and drag are when you were in 5th grade? Our members just completed a set of four outreach events at Atlanta elementary schools, and we were impressed. Thanks to all the volunteers who offered their time and made this a success for AHS-GT, and check out this month’s Vertiflite, the official publication of American Helicopter Society International!
72nd AHS Forum
Don’t miss the 72nd AHS Forum!
The forum will take place on May 17-19, 2016, with some events starting on May 16th, in West Palm Beach, Florida. Georgia Tech will present a booth and many students and faculty members will present their research. More details at this link. See you there!
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